Existentialism vs. Nihilism

We’re all familiar with the big question. What is the meaning of life? Sometimes we ask what is the meaning of my life? And this question is a pretty big question. We usually really want an answer to this question in moments where w e feel terrible. The moments where we wonder what’s going on.… Continue reading Existentialism vs. Nihilism

The look they give you

Have you ever been walking around minding your own business? Maybe you’re walking to your office, your classroom, your house, the store, or some other destination. You’re looking at the ground or you’re looking to the side noticing the world around you. Then you look slightly to the left and someone else is walking the… Continue reading The look they give you

Nietzsche and Human Savagery

Here’s a take on what Nietzsche was talking about in his second essay in his Genealogy of Morals. If it’s absolutely wrong then at least I’ll be part of the group of people who can’t read Nietzsche. If there’s some right in it then Nietzsche was definitely being very cynical about Christians. What a madman.

Aphorisms of Humor

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a number of aphorisms, or briefly-stated “truths.” Here are 5 of them with commentary. 51: Sense of truth. — I think well of all skepticism to which I may reply: “Let us try it.” But I no longer want to hear anything of all those things and questions which do not permit… Continue reading Aphorisms of Humor
